Orchard text has been (FINALLY) fixed! That makes me very happy, as it means that I am once again able to waste altogether too much time mastering trees and growing seedlings to share with my friends.
Had occasion to use Zynga's support yet again this week. I bought two of the new magic peach trees which are very cool, (but I am still waiting impatiently to get my hands on an as yet unrealeased except for in feedlings which I have no luck with, mossy trees) - and the first time I attempted to move them, one disappeared!
I had no luck getting Live Chat then, so eventually got frustrated and sent in an email request for support. They responded in less than a day - BUT the trees and farmcash the email said they had given me were not in the account. I eventually discovered that - even though I had made sure to contact them from the problem account, the fix had gone into another also played on this computer. Second time they've done that; I have no idea how it happens... I guess sometimes they just don't look at the UID in the form.
Anyway, I was going to just gift a replacement tree from that account to the correct one, but then I decided to try again to get live chat. Took about 20 reloads, but did eventually got through.
As always, Live Chat was great - even though I told her that they had actually given me 2 extra trees & 25 FV$ (but in the wrong account) she cheerfully fixed it in the correct one as well. In fact, she surprised me! She had told me that she was replacing the tree and putting in 50FV$ - but when I went to move the tree from the gift box I found not one, but ten! A very nice surprise.
I still haven't bought any ~super~ orchards, and probably never will - but they have dropped the price (for everyone, as far as I know) to 30 FV$ to upgrade them.
Unfortunately, though, they still have not apparently got the message that those of us who are never offered the low prices (and/or the good deals on FV$ and bounty packs and so on) are becoming increasingly irked and insulted. Has been quite a lot of frustration in the forums about the price spread on some of the new fairy critters.
Those defending Zynga (who are no doubt at least some of the time among the favoured players) often point to these sort of pricing experiments as being akin to in-store pricing experiences - but to me, that is a ridiculous argument.
First of all, I highly doubt that most stores do pricing experiments where an item is priced at such broad variances. I should pay > 3x as much as my kid for this item?! Seriously?
And second, if I go into a store and pay $1 for a bottle of pop, and you go into your store and pay $0.75, the chance that either of us is ever going to know and have occasion to be insulted and irked about it is pretty slim. We do not have the same sort of relationship with the store OR with each other as we players do with Zynga. They REALLY need to rethink their approach, as they ARE seriously damaging customer loyalty and trust.
Which should be painfully obvious to them - if only they actually paid attention to the forum discussions and to the cranky people that contact customer service when they discover they have been ripped off.
It is nice that they fix it for those of us cranky people who do contact CS whenever we discover that we have yet again been ripped off - but how many people do not actually bother and just stayed irked?
Given the ongoing loss of Farmville players (and presumably, income) - and all the talk of IPO offerings - you would think that such feedback would be considered a little more important - and a lot more quickly - than it is! Every time I see anything about the IPO I shake my head. What company in their right mind shoots itself in the foot over & over (throttle? limits? price gouging?), loses millions & millions of customers, and THEN tries to go public?
I must be missing something - me, when I research a stock, I'm looking to get in when they are growing, not tanking.
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