I did ... but so far it seems like a HUGE waste of FC to me... it is a very small farm, and you are limited to a very small number of plots - the rest, supposedly, is reserved for decorations and so on....
and if you want to grow your little wee useless plot of waterfront, guess what?

Ridiculous - but what has got my goat is that they have come out with a whole whack of new trees - for Lighthouse Cove, presumably - but level 1s are all still 7FC AND most of them grow the same damn soon to be hated Lombardy Poplar. All 3 of the trees shown in this image, for example.

There are a few critters and one tree that can be bought for coins - but how many pine martens do you want to put on your very expensive little piece of real estate? No transferable storage either, of course.
My first impression = HUGE MONEY PIT & EPIC FAIL.
Apparently, as of 19-Sept everyone will have access for free - me, I would suggest you wait. You are not missing a thing.
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