Anyone that invested in Zynga stock is surely kicking themselves right about now.
As predicted by many of Zynga's previously loyal customers, they continue to corner the market on shooting themselves in the foot - and both their user stats and their stock prices clearly show it.
Good news though - they are exactly where they deserve to be.
I feel a little bad for those who bought the stock - but hey, I'm an investor too and you know what? I figure that as an investor, it is my responsibility to do my own research.
As I've said before on this blog, I would never, EVER dream of investing in Zynga's stock - in spite of the fact that I actually quite enjoy Farmville and will even, on occasion, spend actual money on it.
The time to invest in a company is when they're on the upswing - for Zynga, that was quite some time ago.
For well over a year, they have been bleeding players. Not because players are fickle, or unreasonable, or bored with the game(s) .... but because Zynga has repeatedly and pointedly made it very, very, very clear that they do not have a CLUE about how to retain them. They do not know and do not care why certain people play certain games. They do not know and do not care why people stop collecting items, spending money, playing altogether....
It's not rocket science.
And it's not a secret either.
Every single thing that Zynga needs to know about how to retain players they already have is clearly written over and over in their forums, on blogs like this one, on Facebook walls....
But there's the thing - they don't, if you'll pardon the expression, shive a git about the people that are already playing.
They are only interested in new players and new games.
Those of us who already buy FC? We can be replaced. They've told us so. Repeatedly. Both straight out, and through their actions.
Yeah well, you know what? Newsflash. That, as a business strategy, is not working.
Your user stats are tanking. Your stock prices are tanking. You can blame Facebook all you want - as seems to be the most current Zynga tactic - and, in fact, Facebook is clearly NOT your best friend and they too deserve to tank. And are. Go, Facebook (ungrateful basturds).
BUT the changes Facebook has made that harm game play are only a part of the story. In fact, in my opinion, they are only a very small part of the story.
See, if we cared enough about you and your games any more, Zynga, we would find ways to work around the Facebook changes. It's what we do.
But you have made it really really hard for us to bother caring quite that much any more. And new people? They will NEVER care that much because they can't get far enough any more to get that engaged.
How many more feet you got, Zynga?
Maybe when you start running out - or deciding that shooting yourself in the foot so often HURTS - maybe then you'll stop by the forum and have a boo?
Hey, and if you ever decide you're ready to quit killing Farmville and turn things around, there are still bunches of us that would happily help. Why not give us a shot? It'd hurt a lot less, I promise.
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