Saturday, July 13, 2013

Is it too late for Farmville?

Another change in management at Zynga... another faint hope that perhaps now they will actually listen and DO SOMETHING to fix the exodus of players.

Honestly though...I'm not sure that Farmville CAN be fixed any more...  have they left it too late?

Some of us are still around though...  we know the game is dead and should be buried... but we remember what it once was and stick around... always hoping...

So...what WOULD it take for Farmville to stop the mass exodus?

What would they need to do to win you - and your money - back? 

For me, what they would need to do is LESS. Much less.

Less new trees, horses, birds on a stick, mastery signs, water features...what-the-hell-ever.... 

Remember the excitement over the owl on a stick that showed up in mystery boxes? It flew!!!

Had. To. Have. It.

It was unique - then. Now, I couldn't even tell you where my original owl is... but hey, I have about 30 ...maybe 40 ....other birds on a stick that fly ... big whoop.

Every time they manage to hit something we like, now, they go nuts.... oh look... they liked the space trees - lets make 6,457 more space trees and see if they'll pay 6 or 8 FC for each one. Uh ... no... no, we won't. How many times are you going to do this routine before it sinks in that overwhelming us with more of the same ain't going to work?

Chill out, settle down, and STOP overwhelming us with more of whatever-it-was-we-liked than we could ever possibly care about.

Less broken collections

Biggest mistake Zynga has made with Farmville - well, one of the biggest, anyway - was in the destruction of our collections.

I liked the trees. I can afford to buy FC to get the trees...and I used to. Now though, we are totally awash in trees. They release ridiculous numbers of new trees every week .... Monday, Thursday, in quests, as prizes for this, that, and the other thing, with each new farm release.... 

I can't possibly keep up. And many of them, if you missed them, too bad for you. Some of them even show up in ways that are on "slow rollout" - which means, actually - too bad for you - you're not in the favoured few who got that feature so no tree (or horse, or bird on a stick, or...what-the-hell-ever for you...

Collectors don't like to be thwarted. We really don't. Once you break our collections, we sulk, and we with-hold our money.

You want my money back? Smarten up!

It's too late to fix existing collections ... there are too many holes now.

You could, however, reboot the whole collector appeal thing with a bit of creativity.

Me, I still like the trees - and I still think that the people who design & draw the trees for Zynga are amazing. So ... let's think of a way to fix the tree problem, shall we?

My suggestion would be to develop a level 3 tree.

Go back to the very beginning - look at the old level 1s and 2s ...and now make a level 3 for those sets. Still has to grow in the groves/orchards (don't even THINK about a new structure!) - but to make it different from the ones we know, have the seedlings grow into either the old level 1 or 2, or a clone of itself. 

This will allow - eventually - people who missed out on early trees to complete their collection.

The important thing here is that you MUST restrict these new trees to no more than 1 or 2 per week.

Now think about other things that people liked - or might like - to collect.

Not sure how to fix/re-boot those? Ask us... I bet people in the forums would be thrilled to be asked for feedback if it was actually going to be used. No doubt there are other ways that the whole trees debacle could be approached, also ...

The key thing here, though, is that you MUST limit items to no more than 1/2 week so that whatever-it-is remain worth having, and collectible.

Well darn. I've gone on quite long enough for one blog post already and have barely even scratched the surface!  Lots more I want less of ... but that's a topic for another post - or two :)

In the meantime...what do you think? Is it too late to save Farmville? If not, what does Zynga need to do to win you - and your money - back?

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